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Generally, when it comes to transmissions, there are two major kinds: automatic and manual transmission. No matter what kind of transmission a person drives, they may be wondering how to save gas. For those driving with an automatic transmission, saving gas while driving is fairly simple; laying off the accelerator when possible.

For those driving a car with a manual transmission, knowing how to save gas while driving may not be as obvious. However, there are subtle connections between a manual transmission and saving gas.

Is a Manual Transmission Better than an Automatic Transmission at Saving Gas?

No matter what kind of car transmission a person buys, there are ways to save fuel—whether through buying a fuel-efficient car, or through using tips and tricks while driving. A manual transmission could be better at saving gas versus an automatic transmission.

There are a few reasons for this, but there are two main reasons. Manual transmissions come with shift able gears—so there’s more flexibility while driving, and the second reason is because the work of shifting goes to the driver. Many people who drive stick shift can easily adjust gears to make driving more fuel efficient.

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How to Save Gas with Manual Transmission

There are many ways to save gas while using a manual transmission:

·         Smart Shifting with a Manual Transmission to Save Gas

When driving a manual car, it may be useful to understand how the different gears work with the amount of gas used. The different gears in the transmission have different fuel efficiencies attached to them. Generally, the higher the gear the less fuel is used—but there is more to this. When looking to save gas, a person should maintain the right gear for the speed they are trying to maintain while driving a stick shift. For example, if a car’s engine is revving faster than necessary—it is time to shift to a higher gear to save gas. In addition, it is important to understand that skipping gears while shifting is possible, and offers savings.

·         Working with RPM with a Manual Transmission and Saving Gas

The RPM stands for the revolutions per minute a car’s crankshaft makes. In other words, the amount of work the engine is doing affects the amount of fuel being used. Drivers who drive a manual transmission have the advantage of controlling their RPM through shifting. A driver should keep in mind that the lower the gear, the higher the RPM will be. While the higher the RPM, the more gas is used while driving. To get the most fuel efficiency from their manual car a driver can use the knowledge of RPM to their advantage,

·         Paying Attention to the Upshift Light to Save Gas

Many cars with manual transmissions come with an upshift light—a light that uses signals from the engine, accelerator, and engine to determine the optimum shifting time—and then lights up to show when it is time to shift. Using the recommendation from the upshift light could help save gas, and help get the best performance from your car.

·         Paying Attention to the Tachometer to Save Gas

The tachometer in a car measures the RPM of a car. Nowadays, it comes standard in most cars. The tachometer is usually around the gauge the covers speed of a vehicle. This gives the driver the ability to determine the best speed for RPM. When looking to save the most gas, it is advised to stay above a value of 1,500 RPM while driving.

Other Tips to Save Gas While Driving—Despite Transmission

Here are a few additional tips—even for drivers with automatic transmission cars—to save gas while driving:

  • Control Acceleration: Accelerate slowly while driving, especially if you must stop frequently.
  • The AC: Using air conditioning, instead of having the windows open on a hot day could actually improve fuel efficiency.
  • Tire Pressure: Checking and maintaining tire pressure is an important part of car maintenance and could greatly help reduce the amount of fuel that a car uses.
  • Air Filter: Clean and maintain the air filter in your car—as it could help save gas and at the same time help save the environment.
  • Controlled Stops: This is a really easy way to decrease the amount of gas your car uses for those daily, familiar commutes. If you know a stop is approaching—keep your foot of the accelerator.

Having a car with a manual transmission offers a driver the advantage of fuel efficiency. There are many ways that a stick-shift driver could manipulate their car’s gears to save the most amount of gas while driving. The great thing about working a manual transmission is it that it’s best for the overall performance of the car—so you could save money while also extending the life of your vehicle’s transmission.